DECLARE YOUR VICTORY! Speak these affirmations out loud and with passion to speak victory into your life!
1. "I'm determined, i'm focused, I'm courageous, I'm victorious and I'm unstoppable!"
2. "Something wonderful is happening to me! My life is wonderful!"
3. "I’m blessed strong valuable and have a bright future!"
4. "Right now I engage my mind, capture and replace my thoughts, and open the door for miracles, through belief and faith, with consistent practice, of my new wonderful mindset!"
5. "Today I choose to create a powerful mindset of grateful, thankful, forgiving, loving, appreciative, exciting, wonderful, inspirational, victorious thoughts because I will except nothing short of an amazing, victorious, abundant life!"
6. "Since perfect love casts out all fear, I let go of the past, and I choose today to take command of my thoughts, and live in victory and abundance right now!"
7. "I choose right now to take action, and deliberately practice, a grateful, victorious, abundant thought life, mindset, and attitude!"
8. " I am victorious, I am special, God, you only made one of me, and have an incredible perfect will for my life, and I’m taking it today!"
9. "I’m successful, I’m creative, I’m imaginative, I’m loving, I’m giving, I’m supportive, I’m friendly!"
10. " I’m empowered, I’m equipped, I’m encouraged, I’m anointed, I’m armed, I’m favored, I’m blessed, I’m strong, I’m talented, I’m creative, I’m special, I’m focused, I’m positioned, I’m courageous and I’m victorious!"